Root Canal (Endodontic) Treatment

“Root canal” is the term used to describe the natural cavity within the center of the tooth. The pulp or pulp chamber is the soft area within the root canal. The tooth’s nerve lies within the root canal.

Root canal treatment is the procedure used to treat and save a tooth that is badly decayed, infected and painful.

Root canal treatment is the procedure used to treat and save a tooth that is badly decayed, infected and painful.


When a tooth is severely decayed, broken by trauma or worn out, affecting the pulp tissues, it breaks down and bacteria begin to multiply within the pulp chamber. The bacteria and other decayed debris can cause an infection and abscess which is a pus filled swelling. 

Sometimes, infection inside tooth can cause:

  • Infection may spread to other areas of the face, neck, or head 
  • Abscess in bone around the root tip.
  • Sinus formation: Abcess may pierce surrounding bone and gums to exit outside causing a persistent opening with pus draining into mouth or rarely to outside through the cheek.
  • Cyst in bone around the root tip when the infection remained for long time. 

During root canal treatment, the decayed and necrosed pulp inside the tooth root is removed and cleaned and then sealed. Thus tooth loss is prevented. The normal functioning of the tooth is not affected after root canal treatment.

Single Visit Root Canal Treatment

Most of the root canal cases we do in a single appointment unless the tooth has undergone severe infection or has some lesions in the bone surrounding the root tip. We have all the facilities and materials for single visit RCT.

Dr. Sadiq Ali and Dr. Rehna has successful experience of twenty years in root canal treatment